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Online Presence

Your website will be the nucleus of your online presence. It can help you achieve almost any business goals you have; Whether you’re

  • Selling products
  • Showcasing projects
  • Informing visitors
  • Fostering a community
  • or simply making your enterprise more visible.

But it has to be done right. A successful modern website is a complex array of interlocking systems. The process of building it exists in a large possibility space. It takes experience and imagination to navigate this space effectively.

screen showing web development using flat design

Imagine the following scenarios:

  • Your developer builds your website with an in-house proprietary content management system as the foundation. Two years later the company goes bust and disappears. You look for another developer to maintain your website, but nobody else is familiar with the software.
  • You sell bespoke handmade widgets with your online widget shop. Behind the scenes, your developer never got round to ensuring form inputs are validated to prevent the injection of malicious scripts. One Friday afternoon, a hacker notices the vulnerability and redirects all your links to viagra sites.
  • A visitor arrives at your website and 10 seconds pass before the webpage loads. They like what they see so they click to view your catalogue. The catalogue takes 10 seconds to load. They click on a product they like the look of. The product page also takes 10 seconds to load. At this point the visitor throws their hands in the air and retreats to Google.
  • The website looked great when your developer showed you on your laptop but your developer built a static site without mobile responsive design. On the day of launch, visitors flock to your site. After 30 seconds of pinching, zooming and squinting, they give up, exasperated, never to return.

These are just some of the ways a single cylinder not firing can cripple your website’s performance. Don’t let an amateur sabotage your success. First impressions count; work with Phoenix Web and engineer your website for long-term success.

Good websites are all alike. Each bad website is bad in its own way.

- Leo Tolstoy, if he'd had to surf the web -


Get it right the first time

How do we get it right? Because we do the following:

  • Use a content management system as the bedrock of your website. This allows you to take control of your content without needing to know how to code. We prefer WordPress for its user friendliness and extensive plugin library but we can work with any platform you choose.
  • Manage the infrastructure you need to get a website up and running including hosting, domain names and anything else you’ll need.
  • Build your website on a staging area which you can view at any point of the project. You’ll see your website take shape and will be able to approve or deny changes as they happen in an ongoing conversation where you’re in control.
  • Help you every step of the way with training, documentation and ongoing troubleshooting support.

Mobile Optimised Design

  • Responsive layouts that automatically move and resize to fit the size of the screen. We are proponents of responsive web design; we don’t build one website for mobile and one for desktop.
  • Menus that are easy to use on mobile.
  • Mobile first CSS so small devices load only the necessary information.
  • Images that account for the high pixel density of modern phones and tablets.

We are experts at making your website friendly for mobile users. This is absolutely essential on today’s web because about half of all browsing is now done on a mobile device.

Source: Study of Glasses Direct website. Each additional second of page load time led to a 7% decrease in conversions.

Need for speed

The faster you get your site to your visitors eyeballs the better. We balance functionality with page load speed, and load your site as fast as possible, using techniques like:

  • Writing highly efficient code with a minimum of database queries.
  • Minimising code files
  • Caching dynamic pages into static files and informing browsers what to cache.
  • Compressing images and converting them to WebP where possible.
  • Utilising a CDN like CloudFlare to deliver content from multiple servers.

You have a need for speed and we do too.

Make Friends and Influence People with an online community

Create Buzz

You want to turn your website from a bunch of pages to a place where people with your interests congregate. Getting a buzz going about a topic of your choice isn’t easy, but with our help you’ll be needing to hire on more staff after a few months.

Connect Social Media

We can integrate your site with your social media accounts by providing page feeds, sharing buttons, social media login, automatic posting of content to social media and much more.

If you’re in way over your head we can setup your social media accounts from scratch.

Grow Communities

We can setup all the functionality you need to bind a community together including social networks, forums and wikis all seamlessly integrated into the other aspects of your site.

Of course, if you’ve got something off the beaten track in mind let us know! We love solving new problems.

Go check out a few other web developers. We’ll wait. When you get back, go to our contact page and drop us a line about the website you’re imagining or fill in our questionnaire for a quote.

Then relax as we take care of the rest.

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