Ongoing Support Services

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Fine-tune your online presence

Just as rockstars have roadies to tune their guitars, you have Phoenix Web Development to keep your online presence fine-tuned. We have the flexibility and finesse to provide whatever ongoing support you need, whether it’s just keeping the lights on, or partnering with you to market your business.

At the very minimum all websites need a registered domain name and a web host to serve up your pages. You can leave setting up and managing this infrastructure to us. We can provide you with our own hosting operated through VentraIP or assist you in choosing a host yourself. Whichever way you go we’ll make sure your hosting is secure and get the right balance between price and performance.


We don’t stop there. We provide a development environment with a staging area on all new sites where we iron out bugs in our own work, test CMS and plugin updates and give you an opportunity to provide feedback on features, all before they go out to the live site.

Once your site is launched, we use this infrastructure to manage updates for you. If you’re so inclined, you can use the staging area to make your own changes, test them and create content to be migrated to the live site later.


Any other web infrastructure you need, we’re all over it. For example we can:

  • Install SSL certificates on your server.
  • Set up an environment for your project from scratch on a virtual private server, utilising cloud services like Amazon Web Services.
  • Install, setup and maintain custom or obscure online software.

We love solving new problems so let us know what you need!

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Eventually something will go wrong with your website. There’s not a piece of software on the planet that is totally bug free. Thankfully you can protect yourself with our expert troubleshooting support. We provide 12 months support with all new sites and offer ongoing troublehshooting support as a standalone service.


If your website has turned into a pumpkin we can fix problems on a one-off basis. We can deal with problems like:

  • Restoring a hacked site.
  • Fixing site breaking bugs.
  • Extracting data from databases and converting it into the form you need.
  • Converting your site from one CMS to another.

Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is used to drive traffic to your site, by helping your site appear as high as possible in search engine results. We can educate you on how it works and then help you optimise your content so that people will find your business. We can also help you establish an online presence which funnels people back to your site. Plus, we’ll nail the peripheral factors that influence your search engine ranking like page load speed, mobile friendly design, logical HTML architecture and more.

Email Marketing

Ever wanted to shotgun out a bulk email to lots of customers? Allow us to part the curtain on email marketing. We can set up an online newsletter for you. Want it to look good? We’ll make sure your email marketing looks good on everyone’s email client. We’ll ensure you don’t get mired in a quagmire with the legalities of spam. We’ll get you started with emailing list signup forms on your website. We’ll import any contacts you already have. We usually use MailChimp, but can also use a provider of your choice if required.

Online Surveys

Maybe you want to learn what your customers, members or clients think. We can help you learn what they want by creating online surveys, polls and quizzes. We can make them part of your email campaign or place them on your website.

Detailed Reporting

Wondering what your site visitors are doing? Think three moves ahead with detailed reporting. We can record data using services like Google Analytics on your site and setup reports that tell you whatever you need to know. We can produce reports that collate the data in meaningful ways and utilise visually pleasing charts to make the information as clear as possible. Reports that can be viewed onscreen, printed or downloaded to your favourite spreadsheet program.

Whether it be recording clicks on your contact information, eCommerce checkout abandonment, advert performance or anything else you need to record, we’ve got you covered.

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portable copy writing typewriter

Content Creation

The sites that generate the most traffic are updated with new content frequently. We make it as easy as possible for you to create content for your site yourself, but if you don’t have the time or inclination we can do it for you. We can provide you with:

  • Convincing written copy. We’ll interrogate you about your business, your offering and your customers and then iterate until we have something magical.
  • Image sourcing from free or paid image sites. We look for realistic images that actually represent who you are and what you do. Phoenix Web Development does not condone the use of boring generic stock photos.
  • Custom assets for your website. We provide this by managing graphic designers or photographers. Feel free to BYO graphic designer or we can liaise with one our preferred contractors.

Whatever digital service you need, we’ve got you covered

If you want in on watertight support for the digital side of your business head on over to our contact page and give us a shout. You won’t regret it.

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