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April 11, 2022

The new direct .au domain extension launched in Australia on March 24th 2022. In this post we’ll explain what it is, why it’s useful and how to claim yours.
What it is
.au is a new top level domain which joins the existing family of .au top level domains.

February 12, 2019

When building we wanted the main navigation menu items to look like manila folder tabs. This meant it was necessary to add an outwardly flaring curve to the bottom of each nav menu item.

The inward curves at the top of each menu item are easily achieved with border-radius.

September 14, 2017

Slider Revolution is a WordPress plugin for creating slideshows. It’s a great flexible plugin, one of the most popular out there and we use it a lot. But nothing is perfect. One specific flaw in this plugin is the lack of option to hide a slide on desktop screens.

September 6, 2017

As web design has progressed, trends like the hero image, slideshows and full width web pages have pushed images further and further to the front and centre. More than ever, websites needs great images. Images are useful for engaging visitors

December 24, 2016

We are super excited to officially declare our new website live! We’ve been working on our website on and off for over a year now. It has been hard to find time to work on it, though having too much billable work is always a good problem to have.

In May 2016 we signed up for Folding@Home and formed a ‘Phoenix Web Development’ team. We wanted to display statistics of our contributions on our website. To expedite this we wrote a simple web scraping script to pull numbers from our stats page.

September 15, 2016

Here at Phoenix we’re in the middle of upgrading our websites to use PHP7 instead of PHP5.6. PHP5 has been the world’s most popular server scripting language for almost a decade now. The time has come to put the faithful old workhorse to pasture.

June 22, 2016

The web is riddled with spam, viruses and scammers and the total number of scam attempts per year is constantly increasing. This week Phoenix Web Development was targeted and after googling, it seems that businesses are becoming a more popular target.

A few days ago we discovered a cool project run by Stanford University called Folding@Home. It allows you to donate your unused computer processing power to help with medical research. The research helps with research on cancer, Alzheimers, AIDS, Parkinsons and many more diseases. 

October 20, 2015

We estimated the total number of mobile optimised sites on the web. Now we’re doing it again a year later and comparing.

Search Site
Folding@Home contribution stats for team Phoenix Web Development
Team ID 230741
Grand score (points) 84,281,732
Work units completed 7,112
Team Ranking 5,890 of 229,807 teams
Report generated on February 19, 2025, 4:06 pm
Phoenix Web Development donors (top 5 donors of 6)
James_Jones 59,763,323
Vicki_Jones 20,636,521
Anonymous 2,889,404
Inspiron7570Laptop 985,242
Barnes 6,000

Folding@home allows anyone to assist with disease research by donating their unused computer processing power. To join in, simply download the F@H software.

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