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Listings are directories of items organised in some way. Listings can be the primary purpose of a website or a feature of a larger website. Some examples of listings websites include:

  • Business directories
  • Classifieds
  • Career Sites
  • Restaurant listings
  • Real estate websites

Just about anything you can organise into a list can be made into a listings website.

Monetising Listings

Listings websites are usually designed to make money. Some methods of monetisation include:

  • Showing adverts on listings and search results pages.
  • Offering third parties a basic listing for free and charging for a listing with additional features.
  • Linking to affiliate products. The website owner will receive a commission for referring customers from their website.
  • Charge a user for preferential search results for their listing.

Implementing Website Listings

A fantastic tool for building a WordPress listings website is the Listify theme. Another listings tool is the WP Job Manager plugin, highly suited to making job listings.

Read More

You can find more information on listings at the Wikipedia web directory article.

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